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There are often unique challenges for your organisation, Susan will work with you to develop workshops that address your specific needs - be that integrating a new team, developing strategy, building connections, reinvention or coping with loss.  


The important part of this offering is to listen and design a solution that is a good fit, this might be a hybrid of online and face to face work, half day, whole day or 2 hour sessions.

Susan also runs workshops and seminars with partner organisations.

pearl under pressure


Housing in Focus:

Tuesday 10 September 2024


Building organisational and individual resilience in time of moral distress

  • Learning and growing through resilience.

  • Supporting teams and colleagues when your resilience reserves are low.

  • Practical steps to cultivate resilience.

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How to design the life you want.

“Life is short” so the saying goes. It reminds us to appreciate every moment. But it can also reinforce the feeling that it’s too late to try something new or to take a leap of faith. So, what if we dared to think of life differently—what adventures, possibilities, or  transformations might we explore?

This invigorating, hands-on masterclass with the psychologist Dr Susan Kahn is designed to help you do just that – identify what’s holding you back and rediscover your potential.

What will you learn?

Grounded in science and packed with psychological insights, you'll learn how to overcome the barriers that hold us back from making meaningful changes in our lives. You'll identify the internal and external steps needed for successful reinvention and create a personalised action plan to kickstart your growth straight away.

Who is it taught by?

Dr Susan Kahn is a psychologist, coach, consultant, and mediator with a wealth of expertise in personal and professional reinvention. She is a lecturer at Birkbeck, University of London, and the author of several books, including the recently published Reinvent Yourself (Kogan Page).

Why should you attend?

Whether you're at a crossroads in life, find yourself wondering 'is this it?', or are simply curious about what else could lie ahead, this masterclass will give you the time, space, and tools to help you discover all you can be and what you have to offer the world.

Date: August

Time: 6pm-8.30pm BST

Location: Online masterclass A catch-up recording will be available for two weeks after the class.

Price: £75 plus £1.90 booking fee (newsletter subscribers pay no booking fees) 

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Freud's 4 pm Session: Reinvent Yourself

To mark the launch of Reinvent Yourself: Psychological insights that will transform your work life Dr Susan Kahn will give a session on metamorphosis and embracing your reinvention.


This event will introduce some core psychoanalytic concepts that inform our attempts to reinvent ourselves. Freud’s own topography and development of thinking and theory provide the canvas for transition. Although Reinvent Yourself is aimed at work life, all kinds of change can be considered through the ideas explored.

The session will give participants time to think and pause.

We will visit:

  • Freud’s work ‘On Transience’, which remains poignant and relevant in 2024;

  • Ways of gaining a deeper understanding of self; a conscious and below the surface examination;

  • Peer inside your minds and consider the work linking neuroscience and psychoanalysis.


This event will give you an opportunity to consider your own relationship to work, your sense of being stuck, your curiosity and your capacity to reinvent.

Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2024

Time: 16:00 - 17:00 GMT

Location: Freud Museum London - 20 Maresfield Gardens London 

                                                              NW3 5SX

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The art of reinvention: How to embrace change and rediscover your life’s passions with Dr Susan Kahn

A practical workshop that uses psychological insights to help you discover your life’s true potential

Online workshop

Date: Monday 21 August 2023

Time: 6pm-8.30pm (BST)

Catch up recording available

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Emotional Intelligence at Work

In today’s workplace, our success is dependent on our capacity for emotional intelligence: it’s what enables us to confront with patience, insight and imagination the problems we face in our relationship with ourselves and our colleagues.


In this virtual talk, we’ll explore the meaning and benefits of emotional intelligence and ways of developing the key emotional skills required to prosper at work and in life. We’ll then consider the psychological dynamics of the workplace – how unbridled emotions and neuroses determine our behaviour – and how we can use emotional intelligence to negotiate these with patience and skill, becoming more mature, serene and fulfilled people in the process.

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The School of Life lead their presdigious Leadership Day; a one-day workshop dedicated to the art of effective command at work.

In March 2023, The School of Life is hosted a Leadership Day; a one-day workshop dedicated to the art of effective command at work. In the morning, they explored Self-Awareness: how an accurate appraisal of your strengths and weaknesses can help gain authority in the eyes of colleagues and employees. In the afternoon, they explored Leadership more directly: analysing relationships with those attendees manage and identifying those areas where greater trust and mutual respect can be created. Both workshops are from trusted Management Series.

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Bouncing Back: Learning From Failure And Building Resilience

This is a course that focuses on the inevitability and value of failure and its integral relationship to resilience.

This is a period in history when failure is impossible to avoid. We are working in such uncertain and stressful times, making decisions without precedence and as leaders being looked to for answers to questions for which we have no response. It is impossible to conduct yourself at work without disappointments, challenges and trauma from which we will need to recover and get back to the job. Indeed, if you never fail you never learn.

Resilience is not about forgetting these experiences but learning from adversity. Failure and difficulty will change us, impacting our emotional selves and our future response to crises.

On this course, you will have time to examine your own relationship with failure and to learn practical techniques and tools to help you develop your resilience. Discussing failure can feel exposing and no one will be put on the spot on this course, we will work together on universal themes of vulnerability, providing you with a safe and supportive virtual space in which to think and work.

Bouncing Back: Learning from failure and building resilience is an online course within our Professional Development Skills series. At the Civil Service College, we tailor our courses to each participant’s role and organisation, ensuring that each participant gets the most out of the training. Our courses and trainers are continuously updated and evaluated to ensure that we are always delivering the best service possible.

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Online Conference

Guest speaker.

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Dr Susan Kahn on Loss and Melancholia at Work 

Loss, mourning and melancholia at work. Loss at work occurs all the time, it is as commonplace as joy at work, yet it remains marginalised and often repressed and hidden. Personal losses are carried within us whilst we work and there are the losses that occur at work, lost opportunities, companies and departments closing, retirements and redundancies for example. Now more than ever in Covid time, loss, mourning and melancholia at work have moved from the margins to the centre. In this webinar we pause and contemplate this often overlooked subject. Even in the midst of endings death remains a taboo subject. It is hard to explore an issue if you do not acknowledge its presence and organisational mortality is one such area. This session will be led by Dr Susan Kahn, who brings a depth of insight and experience to this vitally important work.

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BPC Webinar: Melancholia in Contemporary Institutions

This session will consider Melancholia in Contemporary Institutions, with talks from Dr Susan Kahn and Andrew Cooper.

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G(u)ilt our underexplored relationship with money

Money. When did you last have a meaningful conversation about money? What place does money have in creating a community of practice working for the ‘good-society’? In this seminar we will pause and reflect on our relationship with money, money as emotional currency, expressions of greed and envy, what our relationship to money says about our attachment style. Does Freud’s pairing of money and faeces mean that this is a dirty subject? We will consider money and the helping professions and linger on the place of money for us as individuals, in groups and in society.

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How to fail fast and strategies to build resilience quickly with Dr Susan Khan

An interactive workshop full of practical tips and advice for building resilience in the workplace and in your personal life, with business psychologist Dr Susan Kahn. We will learn about how it’s ok to fail and techniques that will help you bounce back from anything in your professional and personal life.

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Bounce Back; How to be resilient at work in challenging times


A short but deep dive into the subject of resilience, sharing some big ideas and offering tools, tips and ideas.


Susan kindly agreed to speak to over 120 M&S colleagues about business resilience in the context of business transformation, prior to the global pandemic. When the working world changed drastically, Susan was extremely flexible, adapting her talk to our business’s new needs. In these times, the topic of business (and personal) resilience is at the forefront of minds. Susan was engaging and relatable, tailoring her content to our colleagues. Susan was open to questions using the chat panel on Microsoft Teams, inviting all 130 participants to be part of the conversation. Practical examples from Susan’s own experience (including her own lockdown experience) were used to foster an open environment and to illustrate key messages.


Susan remains calm and collected, making technical issues in front of a large audience seem jovial – demonstrating her content first hand. There was food for thought for all. It was a pleasure working with Susan in the lead up to the event with her professionalism and personable demeanour. Our event was an overwhelming success and we would look forward to welcoming Susan back in the future.

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Memento Mori - Remember you will die


Working with loss, grief, and endings in the time of coronavirus


In these remarkable times we are confronted with the subject of death, something that is often considered in hushed tones, ignored or brushed aside.

This crisis has brought the subject of endings to the fore and it will have a profound impact on our personal, work, social and global identities.

An interactive session that will explore:


  • attendees experience of loss and mourning;

  • working with a new normal,

  • isolation and loss of face to face interaction;

  • loss of identity, 

  • responding to change, loss & disruption

  • some exercises in dealing with loss



That was wonderful.  I loved the chat comments and could see many people found it hugely valuable and really interesting.  You were wonderful, your pace is fantastic, your style both extremely professional and informative whilst also being human.  Thank you so much on behalf of all of us for your time and effort in pulling that all together.

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A hands-on masterclass bursting with practical tips and illuminating advice for building resilience in the workplace and in your personal life, with business psychologist Dr Susan Kahn.

Work, as in life, is full of satisfying, challenging and rewarding moments. It can bring us support, friendship, understanding, learning and development. But we can also often feel out of our depth, or question our ability to take on challenges, or feel inadequate. After a long period of uncertainty and disruption in our personal and professional lives, you may be feeling that your resilience has been tested.

Resilience is essential for us to survive and thrive in the workplace, and in this hands-on masterclass with Dr Susan Kahn, you will learn the key skills for recognising failure, responding to it quickly, and building your capacity to bounce back - and these are skills that can be applied to the workplace and taken beyond the office.

In this class, Susan will take you through some big ideas and show you how to apply those ideas to the minutiae of your personal and professional lives. You will learn about why regret is connected with inaction rather than with something we’ve tried and failed at, that resilience can be learnt, and – perhaps most importantly of all – you will come away with an indispensable suite of techniques that will help you look after yourself long after the class has ended.

This online workshop is part of our new, exciting range of digital masterclasses that we are offering. In this live online workshop, you will have the opportunity to engage in real time with our brilliant course tutors, as well as other participants – with additional pre and post-course support from our learning team. 

Work, as in life, is full of satisfying, challenging and rewarding moments. It can bring us support, friendship, understanding, learning and development. But we can also often feel out of our depth, or question our ability to take on challenges, or feel inadequate.

Resilience is essential for us to survive and thrive in the workplace, and in this hands-on masterclass with Dr Susan Kahn, you will learn the key skills for recognising failure, responding to it quickly, and building your capacity to bounce back - and these are skills that can be applied to the workplace and taken beyond the office.

In this class, Susan will take you through some big ideas and show you how to apply those ideas to the minutiae of your personal and professional lives. You will learn about why regret is connected with inaction rather than with something we’ve tried and failed at, as well as how to receive and deliver feedback, and - perhaps most importantly of all - you will come away with an indispensable suite of techniques that will help you look after yourself long after the class has ended.

Thanks for submitting!

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